AppleScript Tutorial Wiki
Choose From List
Title Choose From List
Dictionary Standard Additions
Suite User Interaction
Parameters 7

Choose From List is a command in the User Interaction Suite of the Standard Additions Dictionary.


choose from listv : Choose one or more items from a list

list of text or number : a list of items to display
  • [with title text] : the dialog window title
  • [with prompt text] : the prompt to be displayed in the dialog box
  • [default items list of text or number] : a list of items to initially select (an empty list if no selection)
  • [OK button name text] : the name of the OK button
  • [cancel button name text] : the name of the Cancel button
  • [multiple selections allowed boolean] : Allow multiple items to be selected?
  • [empty selection allowed boolean] : Can the user make no selection and then choose OK?

→ list of number or text : the list of selected items
